Love: The Secret to Dreams Coming True

I believe that God has given us the power to access, activate and achieve our dreams. Of course there are lots of methods and programs to help us reach those goals, but I wondered if it was less complicated. 

And I found that it was. 

Yes, we do need to learn how to steward our hearts into those dreams. But I wanted to know what the common denominator was in getting our heart's desires. Was it prayer? Was it having enough faith? Was it being smart enough? Was it just luck? Or was it an arbitrary God who blessed some but not others?

A few years ago we began a major life transition out of a traditional church setting, and it forced me to re-evaluate my own dreams. Was I fulfilling other people's dreams for me? Or was it just time to allow my true or new dreams to emerge?

Out of that journey I am putting the finishing touches on a new book called, Beyond Your Wildest Dreams: Access, Activate, and Achieve Your Heart's Desires. Here is an excerpt from the Introduction... and the secret to dreams coming true.

"I discovered in my own life that there were latent dreams ready to emerge. You will discover them within you as well. There is a life to be lived that is so much more satisfying than what you are currently experiencing. I can’t create it for you, but I can show you how to find your niche in life. It’s not that hard because it’s already within you. The secret is love. It is love that is attempting to draw it out, and your love for that dream that will bring it to you.

Love is the strength that holds everything together. 

Love is the power that set the stars in place. 

Love binds relationships together. 

Love heals the broken-hearted and binds up their wounds. 

Love is the source of all that is good.

Love sets the adventurer on course. 

Love changes the way we see ourselves and how we see the world. 

Love is attractive. 

Love that is sown returns a harvest of love. 

Love that is given becomes a magnet drawing people into your life. 

Love is a gift. Received from God it stabilizes and changes everything about your life—your goals expand, your limitations are removed, and your purpose changes. It is not so much about being commanded to love as it is being CREATED to love!

Love is not one among many attributes of God. It is the definition of His nature. God is love. His love is holy. His love is truth of who He is to you. His love infuses all His power. 

Love is the life energy that motivates God himself. God is love. It is his eternal value, affection, and joy over all his creation!

Love is the most powerful thing in the universe. 

In the Christian Bible the apostle James calls it the Law of Love! It is not the Law in the sense of an unyielding expectation from God, but because everything that exists was created from love, then the way of God, the way of the universe in every dimension is love. To violate love is to tear the fabric of reality. The law of love is written into everything, and once you see it, you will see it everywhere. LOVE brings your desires to LIFE.

Love says it is okay for you to pursue your dreams. Want to climb Mt. Everest? Your love for climbing and God’s love for you says, go for it. Want to fill a political office? Your love to serve and God’s love for you says, run! Dreaming of a month-long vacation in the Caribbean? Your love for the sun, the sand, and blue waters along with God’s love for you says, you can have it. Does your heart want children to hold as your own? Your love for children and God’s love for you says I will make a way! Want to serve the poor in Haiti or the slums of India? Do you have a dream business or job in mind? It is possible. Nothing is impossible to those who believe in the power of love."

This book will be available on Amazon SOON... this month... watch for it.