Beyond Your Wildest Dreams

Why Breaking Soul Ties Never Works

Why Breaking Soul Ties Never Works

Breaking soul ties. We did it. We tried it. It didn't work. Then we shoved our heads in a hole in the wall waiting to figure out what's next. Ok, maybe not, but it did leave us stranded trying to figure out the next religious technique. 

But as somewhat of a spiritual scientist who digs deeper, I wondered why there was usually temporary relief but no permanent changes.  Here is what I discovered. 

Now Series: Religion Can't Wipe Away Your Tears

Now Series: Religion Can't Wipe Away Your Tears

Are we to think that God wipes away tears once we get to heaven, but we have to die to experience it? 

Actually, the teaching that God will wipe away our tears isn't a promise about heaven. It is a promise for now, that extends into the afterlife.

You Won't Find the Will of God in the Bible, Nor is it a Mystery

You Won't Find the Will of God in the Bible, Nor is it a Mystery

One of the great limitations that religion put on us is the idea that the will of God is some secret mysterious plan of God's that he rarely lets us in on. We struggle making decisions about the pursuit of our dreams because we are waiting for a "sign" that we should do this or that. Sadly, we never feel we are in the perfect will of God, and actually miss following our heart in the process. See the will of God isn't found in the Bible. It is found very simply in your own heart. 

What is a Miracle and Where Do I Find One?

What is a Miracle and Where Do I Find One?

“Either everything is a miracle or nothing is a miracle.” –Albert Einstein. 

What if we had a third option between blaming God because he didn't answer our prayer and blaming ourselves for not having "enough" faith? What if we could influence miracles appearing in our lives through our own hearts? 

Eternal Life Does Not Mean Going to Heaven

Eternal Life Does Not Mean Going to Heaven

There are a number of things that we are taught that aren't actually in the Bible. Feel free to look these up, but you won't find them in a scripture anywhere. For instance:

  • Pray this sinners prayer so you can be saved.
  • Believe in Jesus SO THAT you can go to heaven.
  • Get forgiven SO THAT you can go to heaven.
  • Confess and admit your sins SO THAT you can go to heaven. 
  • Ask Jesus into your heart. 

Of course heaven is real, but the things we supposedly believe come from the Bible, aren't always there.

Whether you grew up in church or not, there is a good chance you can quote John 3:16 from memory. "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him will not perish, but will have everlasting life." (John 3:16)  Like most of us, you probably think that this "eternal life" is a synonym for "going to heaven when we die." But that would not be the truth. 

Love: The Secret to Dreams Coming True

Love: The Secret to Dreams Coming True

I believe that God has given us the power to access, activate and achieve our dreams. Of course there are lots of methods and programs to help us reach those goals, but I wondered if it was less complicated. 

And I found that it was. 

Yes, we do need to learn how to steward our hearts into those dreams. But I wanted to know what the common denominator was in getting our heart's desires. Was it prayer? Was it having enough faith? Was it being smart enough? Was it just luck? Or was it an arbitrary God who blessed some but not others?