Interpreting Revelation

Now Series: Religion Can't Wipe Away Your Tears

Now Series: Religion Can't Wipe Away Your Tears

Are we to think that God wipes away tears once we get to heaven, but we have to die to experience it? 

Actually, the teaching that God will wipe away our tears isn't a promise about heaven. It is a promise for now, that extends into the afterlife.

Spiritual Myth-Busters: The Lake of Fire

Spiritual Myth-Busters: The Lake of Fire

What is the Lake of Fire? It is assumed that the Lake of Fire is a place of eternal torment, or hell. That is the standard modern definition in most churches in America. But is that true?

I think I can show scripturally and logically that the Lake of Fire is a symbol for the fires that destroyed Jerusalem in AD 70.

Interpreting Revelation: The Sea Turned to Blood

Interpreting Revelation: The Sea Turned to Blood

One of the great tragedies of futurism is the neglect of history. The book of Revelation was written to a Jewish audience, before the destruction of Jerusalem in AD70. The Jewish historian Josephus, unbeknownst to him, recorded the fulfillment of many of the apocalyptic images of Revelation.  One of the clearest examples is found in the prophecy of the sea turning to blood.

Fear the Mark of the Beast?

Fear the Mark of the Beast?

Have you seen these kind of YouTube Headlines?


Mark of the Beast: It’s not Coming. It is Here!

666. It Has Begun!666 RFID Chip Mark of the Beast! 

Mark of the Beast Will Give You "SuperPowers"!

Are the fears of RFID chips and the mark of the beast really warranted?