1 John 4:10

Am I Safe With God or is He A Terrorist Too?

Am I Safe With God or is He A Terrorist Too?

I recently sat with a new missionary friend who told me the story about a former Taliban terrorist he encountered in another country.

One night in Afghanistan this Taliban terrorist was planning another attack. Suddenly a stranger named Jesus walks into his room and sits at the foot of his bed. This stranger begins explaining the gospel to him in simple terms, with love and patience.

Am I Far From God?

Am I Far From God?

That is such a good question! I'm glad you asked. The answer is simple: He is closer than your very breath! This begins a new series of simple grace questions that many of us need answers to and those simple answers can very profoundly affect our lives.

Some worship songs, as sincere and heart-felt as they may be, subtly teach us that God is at a distance and he needs to be invited.